"Something catches my eye. Well, first it’s the smell, then the something, and the something is a lion. A big, huge beast of a beast with a giant mane and a head so big it’s hard to tell where its body is Then it moves. OK, body is equally big."
Yolonde Wei, Wei, is a young girl with a dream, and her dream is to be the best dancer in the world. But there is a problem: Yolonde cannot dance. Until, that is, she discovers some magic silver dancing slippers, and her life changes forever.
A fantasy story of magic and discovery, Yolonde also deals with the gritty themes of everyday life in a Kenyan village just outside Nairobi, including loss, terrorism, drunkenness, and survival in an unforgiving world.
Yolonde is a magical tale which will delight children the world over.
ISBN: 9781835973905
Type: Paperback
Pages: 200
Published: 14 March 2025
Price: $11.95
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