War Children
This is the story of one family in Britain living through the Second World War. There is no tremendous pain or peril, but the war affects them at every turn. The father joins the Army after watching small boats sail off to Dunkirk. From being a hopeless entrepreneur, he finds he can do a good job in the Army, and gain some self-respect, as well as a living. The family follow him round the country. The young children grow up slowly, learn a variety of accents, and the crucial need to 'put strang in yer boots', rather than laces or shoes, when you go to a village school in Scotland.
The progress of the war is seen running alongside family life. Churchill and Montgomery become well-known names to the children, along with the hopes of ordinary people for what may come 'after the war'.
ISBN: 9781788763370
Type: Paperback
Pages: 162
Published: 22 May 2018
Price: $11.95
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