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Virtual Reality

Normally cheery and sweet (if not a little bit reserved) Valerie Barrett hits an all time low when the year long love of her life, Dorel Murray, ends their relationship by email. A visit to her doctor provides her with a way to escape her ever plummeting mood in the form of some tablets, but she can't decide if it really would be for the best to take them. When another way of escape presents itself to her in the form of an online world called 'Virtual Reality' Valerie decides she'd like to try that first. But as the boundaries between her real life and her virtual life blur and become harder to identify, will it really be the saviour she first thought it could be? Can it really make everything better or is it possible that living a virtual reality could make everything a whole lot worse?
ISBN: 9781782996750
Type: Paperback
Pages: 183
Published: 9 July 2013
Price: $12.89

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