On June 2nd, 2015, the lives of the Rahim and Muhammad family changed demonstrably. In an instant, my youngest brother, Usaamah Rahim was murdered on his way to work. Forever lost to us, Usaamah's death continues to deeply trouble our loved ones and family. In conjunction with Usaamah's murder, my nephew, David Wright, was incarcerated on erroneous allegations. David is now serving what amounts to a life-sentence in Federal Custody.
I have not seen my nephew in ten years. I often wonder how he's doing. How is he coping with his incarceration? What words of reassurance and consolation can I convey to him. What are the right words? And so on and as such. I decided that I should compose a powerful letter. However, I couldn't seem to be able to put together these words accordingly. So, my attempt to write the letter stalled and delayed. Ten years later, it has materialized.
The letter to David became a religious Prayer Manual. A Manual that would NOT only help my nephew David, but would help his mother, my dear sister, his siblings, my nephews and nieces, as well as his grieving uncles and aunts. Most importantly, a sacred document that would help his grieving Nana, my mom Rahimah, may Allah Bless her immensely.
In doing so, this Prayer Manual is written with the broader intention of helping all of the incarcerated Muslim Brothers and Sisters in the United States of America and the Western World. Beyond Muslim inmates, this prayer manual is equipped to aid and assist all righteous seekers of Light, Hope, Redemption and Mercy, be they Muslims or not.
And my final announcement is: All Praise is Rightly Due to Allah, Lord of all Worlds.
Shaykh Ibrahim A. Rahim
ISBN: 9781835973820
Type: Paperback
Pages: 300
Published: 28 February 2025
Price: $9.95