Stitched Up
Should a divorce cost an ordinary person £50,000, 4 years and their mental health?
Simon Opfer bravely exposes his profoundly personal story and blows the whistle on an inhumane divorce system.
He wrote his often harrowing and always shocking account of England’s supposed ‘justice’ system after enduring an agonising divorce.
How many hearings should there be? One? Two? More? So far it’s ten, and counting.
And how should assets be divided? 50:50? 60:40? More? How’s +139% to her, -39% to him!?
In his damning indictment, Simon exposes a shameful truth about the justice system the Government would rather cover up.
His is the first book of its kind.
And, if you're married, considering it, divorcing, or just interested in justice, you need to read this.
This is Simon’s first book.
He is unable to afford to fight more legal cases and is therefore, until the law changes, regrettably obliged to conceal his true identity. ‘Simon Opfer’ is a pseudonym.
ISBN: 9781786971432
Type: Paperback
Pages: 206
Published: 23 February 2017
Price: $12.65
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