Synopsis In this, the first novel in the ‘Regression’ series, Professor David Cochran, Clinical Psychologist, renowned academic and minor TV celebrity stumbles across tangible evidence that proves human reincarnation is real. In spite of his own initial scepticism the evidence he finds forces him to accept that a life after death is real. Tragically for Cochran, this momentous discovery, a discovery of truly world changing proportions is overshadowed by the sudden death of his beautiful young wife Helen in a freak road accident. Cochran becomes determined to find the final piece of tangible proof he needs. That proof, when found might help ease his own grief while proving to a doubting world that human reincarnation is real, it might also destroy Cochran himself by proving Cochran’s past life as a first century Roman soldier called Septimus Maximus Probus is also true and if true, reveal the gentle healer of others will have to come to terms with a personal reality that in a past life, as the hardened professional soldier Probus, trained to kill on command, he oversaw horrors the truth of which could yet destroy him in this life. Unwittingly, Cochran and his supporters find themselves in a desperate race to prove their claims before either the University’s unscrupulous Vice Chancellor steals their research and claims the inevitable Nobel Prize that goes with it for himself, or worse, amoral religious elements, not interested in the truth, but only interested in maintaining their positions of privilege, wealth and status, finally succeed in burying Cochran and his discovery, culminating in a frantic worldwide search for a lost amulet, an apparently ordinary simple bronze object, that once found will have a profound impact across the entire world by holding the key to revealing the ultimate truth about life and death and life after death.
ISBN: 9781784072452
Type: Paperback
Pages: 374
Published: 9 March 2021
Price: $12.95

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