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Looking back

Foreword The theme of this anthology is hindsight which we all know is a great teacher - some lessons being grasped more easily than others. The first story concerns one of my best achievements in the learning stakes following the loss of my husband and best mate. Bereavement is probably one of life's hardest punishments and it took a while for me to work it out. This story relates to how I did it. Most stories or essays in this collection are concerned with hindsight but of course this works for all of us in different ways, perhaps the main point being that it gives us a choice. Indeed, most of the stories have been chosen for the choices they gave and the results of taking them. Because they are written by different writers met over my long life, they are also set in different parts of the world - indeed most parts of the world, and reflecting most ages. Enjoy, and perhaps share some of your own insights with other generations....
ISBN: 9781839450471
Type: Paperback
Pages: 196
Published: 30 October 2019
Price: $11.95

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