Intrusion is an ensemble play which explores the world of protagonist Susan Jameson a young girl who suffers from Intrusive Thoughts which have plagued her life. The play explores mental health issues related to this including anxiety and OCD and tracks her progress from child to young adult.
The play is written with flexible casting in mind. The size of the cast and gender balance is left down to the director. The play works best in a stylised format, with music and movement playing a significant role.
The playwright has taught Drama for over twenty years and runs a theatre school and casting agency in the North of England. She is best known for her ‘Drama Pot’ monologue series and has had pieces published for LAMDA examinations in their 2019 Anthology. This is the playwright’s fourth full length play.
Suitable for teenagers, youth groups and adults.
ISBN: 9781839450303
Type: Paperback
Pages: 62
Published: 14 October 2019
Price: $10.46
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