A Historical saga of love and friendship, set against the struggle to survive in Ireland’s Great Hunger.
Kaitlin is heartbroken to be parted from Tommy, the man she loves, when the potato blight hits their farm, and, destitute, they are forced to flee to America on one of the notorious coffin ships.
Meanwhile Tommy has been arrested and deported for his involvement with illegal activities in the struggle to free Ireland from the English.
Kaitlin has a good life in America when she marries wealthy vineyard owner Richard Lauren, but her heart will always belong to Tommy.
America’s Civil War changes her life yet again and, once more, she is struggling with poverty.
Will Kaitlin ever get the life she deserves?
ISBN: 9781835973950
Type: Paperback
Pages: 308
Published: 17 March 2025
Price: $12.95
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