Emergency Exit
A radical proposal to abandon money and currency altogether, adopting a Resource Based Economy (RBE) as an exciting and dramatic alternative to the current monetary catastrophe. In this future all work will be voluntary and all products and services provided entirely free.
We love to volunteer for activities that society appreciates. This way, society decides what gets done.
Our current system seems woefully inadequate at best, catastrophic at worst. Surely we can do better.
Who hasn’t wondered at some time in their lives if there might not be a better way to conduct ourselves. One that actually makes total sense. As opposed to one that is quite clearly, nonsense.
With the privilege of over fifty years in farming and airline aviation, both at the sharp, and the blunt ends, I’ve learned that for ‘the wings not to fall off’ as it were, things do have to make sense. Teaching this basic stuff today as a polytechnic tutor helps to consolidate that simple reality. Students deserve integrity.
If we can essentially predict, with a considerable degree of certainty, the future, in the complex and challenging environment of high altitude aviation (as in “Good morning ladies and gentlemen, we WILL be arriving in Los Angeles in eleven hours time, please sit back and enjoy the flight”), then surely we can design something similar in our operation of Spaceship Earth. Our feet firmly on the ground, surrounded by like minded fellows, amazing tools, friendly animals and food that literally grows on trees, it really shouldn’t be that hard to get this right. Should it?
Please spare me a few precious brain cells and have a think about what's assembled here. It’s specifically written to be light, fast, and hopefully palatable. I’ve deliberately not used words I’ve needed to look up. Please research further if you have issues with any of the assumptions and conclusions. Do let me know what you think.
Via the New Zealand Institute of Resource Based Economics and Money Free Party NZ we’ve spent over ten years researching this concept. By deliberately staying clear of mainstream institutionalised academic, political and economic dogma and literally ‘work hardening’ the material in numerous election campaigns and on the streets of New Zealand, we’ve arrived at something akin to integrity.
Aligning perfectly with logic, indigenous wisdom, natural, climate, biosphere, social, psychology, neurology, agricultural and civil engineering sciences, we may finally be onto something here.
The more we’ve been challenged over this proposal, the better it becomes. We need it more than ever.
Why not a ‘magic bullet’, an ‘easy solution’, a ’quick fix’, an ‘easy answer’?
Who says this’ll take years, generations even?
Why shouldn’t there be an easy choice for a change?
Your choice. Armageddon, or utopia?
Follow the path to the Emergency Exit!
ISBN: 9781835973660
Type: Paperback
Pages: 210
Published: 7 March 2025
Price: $9.94