EXILED: The Legacy of Lathraine's Pledge

The continuing Chronciles of Caleath. In Book Three EXILED: The Legacy of Lathraine's Pledge the threat facing the Southern Regions of Allorn spreads north as warm weather awakens the Tarack. An alliance of Vergöttern and human forces now face overwhelming odds as they battle to keep the rich grain belts free from the giant ants. Without Caleath, hope of keeping the Tarack confined fades. On Dragonslair Island, Caleath’s return heralds a new threat. Releasing the dead Archimage Tallowbrand and surviving as the Deathbringer brings the sorceress Azriel’s plans closer to fruition. To save Nasith he must face the Tarack queen and her horde. Each survived challenge only brings him closer to confronting the ever powerful Azriel.
ISBN: 9781788768030
Type: Paperback
Pages: 216
Published: 9 April 2019
Price: $12.65

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