Your Manuscript – How To Amend and Upload Again
Please read the following options which will usually enable you to remedy any issue with your manuscript file upload and then reupload your manuscript again as outlined below. The system will wait for you to upload your manuscript again then process your manuscript again once you have done this. Please note that books are processed as submitted by the author’s own editing so please ensure your manuscript is set out as you intend it to be printed before you upload.
When you have read the following and are ready to reupload your manuscript file, click My Books on the left hand menu, then click the Edit button next to your Book Title, then click the View/Change button next to Book Interior to reupload your manuscript.
Issues and Remedies
- If you spotted some changes you wish to make in your manuscript and upload a new one
If the reason you rejected the PDF was that you spotted some changes you wish to make in your manuscript please upload a new Word document of your completed manuscript when ready and the system will create a new PDF. You can also upload a new PDF yourself if you wish to create your own PDF by the instructions further down this page. Upload your amended book manuscript file when ready by clicking My Books on the left hand menu, then click the Edit button next to your Book Title, then click the View/Change button next to Book Interior to reupload your manuscript.
- If the system informed you that the book manuscript you uploaded was not the correct size for publishing and you wish to upload a correctly sized manuscript
Click here to go to the Book Manuscript Guidelines and Templates page. On that page are correctly sized templates for you to quickly download and paste your book into depending on whether you chose to publish at 5 x 8 or 6 x 9. Then, once you have added your book to the correctly sized book template, login to FeedARead and click on My Books on the left hand menu. On your My Books page, click Edit next to your book title and then click the View/Change button next to Book Interior to upload your correctly sized manuscript for publishing. Please be sure to position pages where you want them to appear in the correctly sized publishing template that you download and paste your book into, and that you add all details to your book that you require - such as a book title page, copyright page and page numbering - as books are printed as submitted and uploaded by authors.
- If spacing or a font was changed in your manuscript
If the PDF created by the system contains a changed font this can sometimes lead to you seeing changed spacing in your manuscript. This can sometimes be because some fonts are copyrighted on the web or are rare and the PDF software could not embed the font, which is required by the printers. We use one of the world's largest PDF creation software systems. If a font was changed, you can either accept the new font and reupload your manuscript and the system will create a PDF again for you to check, or you can upload a new document with a different more common font in place of the one that was changed, such as Times New Roman or Ariel. Alternatively, you can quickly create your own PDF for free as outlined at the bottom of this page and this should enable you to keep the fonts you wish to by creating the PDF directly from your system using the fonts on your system. Then, upload the new manuscript file by clicking the Edit button next to your Book Title, then click the View/Change button next to Book Interior. The system will wait for you to upload the new manuscript file before it continues processing your book manuscript as books are processed by the author’s own editing and uploads.
- If text has moved from where it was in your uploaded file.
If this occurred, first check that you haven’t added formatting in your manuscript such as section breaks or other page breaks which may be responsible and reupload the manuscript on the book upload step if this is the case. You can also quickly create your own PDF for free to upload as outlined at the bottom of this page and this can help towards you keeping the spacing and fonts that you wish to use. We use one of the world's largest PDF creation systems but some fonts are copyrighted on the web or rare and may be replaced by our PDF creation system so this can be another reason for text moving if the system replaced them – so creating your own PDF as outlined towards the end of this page usually avoids this by helping towards keeping your fonts and spacing as it creates the PDF direct from your system.
You can also consult the help menu of your word processing software for how to view the formatting you have added in your document when you typed it. You can also help to avoid text moving by adding page breaks in the correctly sized file for your book. For example, we recommend you insert page breaks at the end of relevant pages, e.g. book title page, copyright page, end of chapters, etc, and anywhere else where you want to add a page break to ensure the text after the break is on the next page. To insert a page break in Word you usually position the cursor after the text where you want the break, and then click Insert and Break from the top menu in Word. Consult your word processing software help menu if different from the above, or for how to view where you have already added page break formatting in your document. When your new manuscript file is completed by you, login to FeedARead, click the Edit button next to your book title and then click View/Change next to Book Interior. Then upload your final manuscript file and the system will create a print ready pdf for you. The system will wait for you to upload a new file before it continues processing your book manuscript as books are processed by the author’s own editing and uploads.
- You noticed that text ‘runs off’ the page on any pages or that text appears too far from the sides of the page.
This may be because your margins aren’t set correctly, or the document kept your margins from your original document if pasted into a publishing template. Click here to view the submission guidelines, manuscript publishing templates, and minimum recommended margins. If you find any pages are very close or, alternatively, far from the sides due to pasting into a template, please use the ruler tab in Word to move margins manually for pages so that text is approx at least half an inch away from the sides of pages. Consult the help menu of your word processing software for how to do this. When that is complete, login to FeedARead, click the Edit button next to your book title and then click View/Change next to Book Interior. Then upload your final manuscript file and the system will create a print ready pdf for you. The system will wait for you to upload a new file before it continues processing your book manuscript.
Uploading your manuscript again when ready
To upload a new manuscript file once you have resolved any issue via the options above, simply click on the My Books button on the left hand side of this page and then click on the Edit button next to your book title. Then click on the View/Change button next to Book Interior and upload your new book manuscript file when ready.
How To Create Your Own PDF for free
- Option 1
If you have Microsoft Word 2007, Microsoft Word 2010 or Microsoft Word 2013 on your computer then you can create a PDF in seconds. Please be sure to follow ALL of the following instructions in this paragraph to create a PDF as it you don’t follow the Options instruction in this paragraph then your fonts will not be embedded as required by the printers to publish your book. First, before you create your PDF, ensure that your Word manuscript is the correct publishing size that you have chosen of either 5 inch wide x 8 inch high, or 6 inch wide x 9 inch high. Click here to download a correctly sized Word template to paste into if required. Then, in Word 2007, Word 2010, or Word 2013, open your book manuscript file and click File from the top menu in in Word, then click the Save and Send option you will see, then click the Create PDF Document option. A box will appear for you to save your PDF. First, click Options on the box, and from the options select the box that says (PDF/A) compliant, then click OK. Then enter your book tile in the File Name box you will see and finally click the Publish button. This will then create a PDF for you. Then, upload the PDF file you have created by logging in to FeedARead and clicking My Books on the left hand menu, then click the Edit button next to your Book Title, then click the View/Change button next to Book Interior to upload your PDF manuscript file. The system will wait for you to upload the new manuscript file before it continues processing your book manuscript as books are processed by the author’s own editing and uploads.
To check your PDF is correct you should open the PDF in Adobe Reader on your computer to view it. To view if you have sized your PDF correctly click on File then Properties from the top menu of Adobe Reader. This will show your book's page size which should be either 5 x 8 or 6 x 9 depending on which size you chose to publish your book. Then, on the same page in Adobe Reader, click on Fonts on the top menu. Every font in your document will be displayed on the screen and every font must have embedded or embedded subset next to it in order to be published.
- Option 2
You can download OpenOffice for free and create a PDF in seconds. First, ensure that your manuscript is the correct publishing size that you have chosen of either 5 inch wide x 8 inch high, or 6 inch wide x 9 inch high in your word processing programme. Click here to download a correctly sized template to paste into if required. Next, visit the open office website at Download OpenOffice and click Run once downloaded. Next, open your manuscript in OpenOffice by clicking File and Open on the top menu of OpenOffice. Once opened, click File again on the top menu of OpenOffice, then click Export as PDF then click the PDF/A-1a box that you will see and be sure to select PDF on the drop down list you will to the right of the PDF/A-1a check box. Then click the Export button. and finally add your book title as the File Name and click Save to create your PDF. Save in an area of your computer such as your desktop. This will then create a PDF for you. Then, once you’ve checked the PDF – open the PDF in Adobe Reader on your computer to view it. Finally, upload the PDF file you have created: login to FeedARead and click My Books on the left hand menu, then click the Edit button next to your Book Title, then click the View/Change button next to Book Interior to upload your PDF manuscript file.
Uploading your manuscript again when ready
To upload a new manuscript file once you have resolved any issue via the options below, simply click on the My Books button on the left hand side of this page and then click on the Edit button next to your book title. Then click on the View/Change button next to Book Interior and upload your new book manuscript file when ready.